Thiruvellore Times

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Welcome to Thiruvellore Times

        At the outset we would like to introduce ourselves as Thiruvellore's one of the leading independent multi disciplinary communication company. Basically we are a professional event management firm with immense experience and expertise to overcome all the concerns you may have in planning and organizing any function or event in a manner you wish to execute it with finest details in order. We also provide a wide variety of creative ideas and impact current trends and styles to your setting. We believe in making every event a one- of a kind memory to all those present at the event.


The Assignment we undertake for the Promotion activities


1. services
      * TAN Number
      * PAN Number
      * MSME Certificate


2. Printing and Distribution
      * Digital Printing
      * Offset Printing
      * Screen Printing
      * Banner Display
      * Poster Display
      * Pamphlets Distribution

3. Advertisement agency for
      * News Paper
      * Cable TV
      * Radio
      * Audio / Visual

4. Event Management Services
      * Camps
      * Sports
      * Blood Donation Camps
      * Eye Donation Camps

5. Road Show
      * Advertisement by Road Show Vehicle
      * Auto Announcements

6. Land Promotion

Enquiry / Feedback  Form

Contact Number
Enquiry / Feedback


* Please Mention your Correct Email & Contact Number for further Contact

Contact Details
Mr. M.Saravanan
044 - 27662128

S4, 2nd Floor, E.V.R. Complex,
Thiruvellore - 602001.
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